𓇢𓆸 In this installment of our Wellness with the Seasons series we’ll focus on the Large Intestine—the yang complement to the yin Lung meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Both these meridians are associated with the Autumn Season.
If you have a history of digestive weakness or are prone to colds and sinus infections, this may indicate an imbalance in the Large Intestine meridian. Read to the end for action steps to maintain large intestine balance and wellness this Fall.

The large intestine is an important organ that is unfortunately one of the most overstressed. It is about five feet in length, traveling around the edges of the abdomen. It has three parts: the cecum (with appendix attached), the colon and the rectum.
One of the main functions of the large intestine is to absorb water, but it also absorbs nutrients and minerals, and is the home to friendly bacteria that help us to break down food and synthesize vitamins. Additional functions are to form, store and eliminate feces.
Large Intestine Congestion + Effects of Toxic Buildup
The most important part of the large intestine that is responsible for elimination and clearing the body of toxins is the colon. When the colon’s function slows, putrefaction and/or fermentation of waste takes place, which creates even more toxicity in the body.
Mucus may also begin to build up inside the colon and intestines, creating a site for bacteria, fungi and viruses to grow. If your other eliminative organs like the skin, kidneys and lungs cannot deal with the toxic load, excess toxins and mucus may begin pouring out through the sinuses.
Therefore, congestion of the large intestine often leads to a variety of symptoms including general abdominal discomfort, low and mid-back pain, sinus pressure, head congestion, headaches, sore throats, crankiness, and lack of energy.
Congestion further contributes to weakened immune resistance, and lowered resistance allows cold viruses to settle into your cells and multiply.

Three Action Steps for Large Intestine Wellness This Fall
1. Use Acupressure Points for Large Intestine health
Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to stimulate points on the skin corresponding to potent points along the energetic meridians of the body. This activates the body’s own natural self-healing process.
The Large Intestine Meridian has 20 points that are mirrored on both sides of the body. It begins at the fingernail of the index finger, running up the finger and between the thumb and index finger, along the outside of the forearm, into the shoulder and neck, then into the face ending at the side of the nostril.
Use the following procedure for just a few minutes each day to relieve constipation, indigestion and headaches.

Step One - Firmly Squeeze the Large Intestine Four point
*Caution: This point is forbidden for pregnant women because stimulating it may cause premature contractions in the uterus. Please skip this step if you are pregnant, or if there is a chance you may be pregnant.
Spread your right thumb and index finger apart. Place your left thumb in the webbing on the back of your left hand, and the rest of your fingertips on the palm side directly behind your thumb.
Gradually squeeze the thumb and index finger of your left hand together to firmly press into the webbing. Angle the pressure in towards the bone of your right index finger.
Take long, slow and deep breaths as you continue to press this point for one minute.
Switch sides and repeat the procedure pressing the Large Intestine 4 point on your left hand.

Step Two - Press and hold the Large Intestine Eleven point
Bend your left arm in front of you with your palm facing down. To find the Large Intestine 11 point, place the fingertips of your right hand on the outside of your left forearm where the elbow crease ends.
Breathe deeply as you firmly press and hold this point for one minute.
Switch sides and press and hold the Large Intestine 11 point on your right elbow for one minute.
Eliminate inflammatory and mucus producing foods from your diet
The best way to detox and cleanse the colon is by removing harmful substances from your diet and eating nutrient-dense, whole foods.
Do your best to eliminate artificial, processed and fast food from your diet. Packaged foods, fast foods, processed snacks and artificial ingredients (high fructose syrups, hydrogenated oils, food dyes, fake seasonings, MSG or preservatives) all make it harder for the digestive system to work properly and raise inflammation in the colon.
Also, if you have sinus congestion consider removing high mucus producing foods for some time such as meats, dairy products, sweets and starches like bread and pasta.
The kinds of foods you want to eat for optimal colon health include:
👍 High-fiber foods like seeds, leafy greens and other fresh veggies
👍 Bone broth
👍 Healthy fats like coconut or extra virgin olive oil, and avocados
👍 Veggie-based soups, smoothies and salads
Drink Taheebo Wellness Tea to decrease inflammation
Several studies have demonstrated that Taheebo extract inhibits the release of specific chemicals that trigger an inflammatory response in the body.
Taheebo has been shown to decrease many types of inflammation, including in this study where Taheebo extract (Tabebuia avellanedae) decreased inflammatory cyclooxygenase II (COX-2) in human cells.
In this study in mice, Taheebo extract blocked inflammation by 30–50%, compared to a placebo.
Another Taheebo study in mice found that the bark extract blocked the production of compounds prevalent in many chronic inflammatory diseases.
Adding Taheebo Tea to your daily routine is a great way to support your digestive health this fall.
If you are drinking Taheebo Wellness Tea for the first time, we recommend starting with ½ cup per day and gradually building up to 1 to 2 cups per day.
𓇢𓆸 Stay tuned for more on Wellness with the Seasons!
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